Sarah's Tent Reunion Retreat

All photos/material on this site are under copyright © Joy Krauthammer 
and may be copied only with permission from owner Joy Krauthammer, and may not be altered.

Enjoy photos from the 
SARAH's TENT  Reunion Retreat
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue
with Rabbi Judith Halevy and Sarah's Tent chevre

We truly missed everyone who was not present on this joyous day.

Women came far from Orange County, Palm Springs, Rolling Hills, Northridge & Sedona, AZ.

Breakfast and then lunch and then birthday cake, snacks, and chocolate covered strawberries...
& halavah parve ice cream. Heaven arrived.
Thanks, Lisa, for the best caterer! No 'pot luck' today!

Marilyn, Fay, 
Zena, Miriam, Lois, Batya

Shayna, Linda, Ruth, Nessa, Judith, Lynette

Ahava, Bambi, Karen, Barbara, Mia, Alicia, Lisa
standing rear
Shira & Rabbi Judith

Barbara, Ruth, Karen, Judith, Marilyn

Rabbi Judith Halevy

The Beggars

Shira's birthday and yummy carrot CAKE baked by Marilyn Elias.
Thank you Shira for the Sarah's Tent VIDEO with Savina Teubal, z'l.
So much shared love.
Happy Birthday SHIRA

Sarah's Tent art project: HAMSAS
HANDS and Hearts give and receive.

Hamsa Hearts by Joy
Hearts within Hearts
as Sephirot are within Sephirot
This Omer day 15 is Chesed sh b'Tiferet
Lovingkindness day in the week of the Heart

Bambi's Tree of Life
This day is also Earth Day.

Inside & Outside

Hearts and Flowers by Shayna
Eli & music meditation
& song creation
Words by Sarah's Tent for Eli to create a song from prayer.
Thanks, Miriam, for your 'gift' of writing on the board!



Joy & 
crystal & Tibetan singing bowls
© Yda Z.

Sarah's Tent gathers in sacred space under our Shechina TALLIT
Shechina's wings above Sarah's Tent encouraged us to fly.

We celebrated Simchat Chaim - the Joy of Life! with Rabbi Judith HaLevy.
What are the joys and challenges of this coming of age time? 
With the words from "Lech Lecha", that Savina Teubal wrote from Torah 
for her 60th Simchat Chochmah celebration, 
how do we bring joy to our lives and share our wisdom?

Above photos and collages shared with love and blesSings
by Joy Krauthammer ©

View the Savina 2005 video created by Shira
 that we watched at the Reunion Retreat
Thank you, Michael, for posting video on You Tube.

BlesSings for a Refuah Shleymah, a speedy and complete healing, 
to our friends Ahava, Arlene, Ruth, Rena, and Rod.


Sarah's Tent chevre brought photo albums and framed collages for all to enjoy.

Thank you, Mike, for donating with love, the filled photo albums from Marilyn, z'l.
~ ~ ~

Sarah's Tent members gathered together 
Kabbalat Shabbat Walk

Eileen, Judith, Linda, Nessa, Leonia
Joy and Tibetan Singing Bowls

beneath Comments
for photos of our beloved chevre.

This site created by one unofficial individual, strives to reflect the kavanah of the non-profit organization, 

Sarah's Tent: Creating Shelter for Jewish Spirituality

and the

Rabbi Judith Halevy

 Sarah and the Shechinah by Reb Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen, z'l


Post Retreat Letter to Chevre

April 27, 2012

Shalom Chevre, 
A few years had passed since Sarah's Tent had an event and had gathered. (Thankfully for the last few years, the Lesters and Owens generously and lovingly opened their doors to chevre on Shabbat, and we could also attend Shabbat in Malibu with Rabbi Judith.) It was 5 years since our Matriarch Savina, z'l, died (6 1/2 now), and a couple years since our beloved Marilyn, z'l, died, and longer since member, dear Toby, z'l, died.

Where had we been on our Tree of Life journeys since then? 
Where are we? Where are we going?

Chai / 18 months ago on High Holidays 2010, I told Rabbi Judith my strong vision: that I mamash / truly wanted us Sarah's Tenters to come back together with a reunion, a day-long learning spiritual Retreat with her as our guide. Judith agreed. Sadly, shortly after, her mother, z'l, died, thus I waited months until this last December 2011, and then asked Rabbi Judith if we could make a plan. Consciously with kavanah, I chose the date, April 22, 2012, immediately following Pesach when we are in Omer on Chesed sh b' Tiferet, and would enter a Rosh Chodesh that evening, and it was Earth Day. I sent out the request to Sarah's Tent and within two days, two dozen of us responded to assure Rabbi Judith that she would have her minimum group. We were more than doubled for her needs. That felt good.

Once we were committed, I thought to myself that, maybe because I was not in any 'official' position to take charge and purely out of respect, I should ask Sarah's Tent former leadership/membership if they/you wanted to manifest this 'baby'. I was grateful that Lisa ("former president") accepted and chose to continue and make our day happen! What a beautiful day Lisa arranged for us all.

I was happily surprised in the retreat's prior week to be asked to participate during workshop time with my crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, and accompany Eli on his guided meditation for us. I was also pleased to see that Shira showed the terrific video she had created for Savina's celebratory evening, Summer 2005-- the event that our leadership had lovingly created. I was happy to see that chevre brought in photos to view. I was happy to see that friends had physically travelled from far as they had said they would. I was happy to hear from Rabbi Judith following lunch, about the funds balance in Sarah's Tent account. and how it needs to be used.  Chevre has been asking and wanting to know about our balance of funds. Former leadership has answers.

I would love to see us Sarah's Tenters have reunions on an annual basis and if not, every other year. Seeing and hearing about our personal journeys (Simchas, Sorrows, Successes) could add uplift and inspiration to the future reunions, the way we used to weekly check in with each of us out loud as we began each class, and pass the 'talking stick' to the next.  (We had an opportunity to do this during the retreat's delightful breakfast and lunch time, but with limited chevre.) Sarah's Tenters could chose during scheduled time to share their prepared 'gifts' with us, as did Eli this year. Remember when Rabbi Judith mandated us to continue with our gifts into the universe beyond the Tent?

What worked well for this retreat, and what would you like to be/have/experience at the next retreat?

Many of us used to attend Aleph's Kallah. For the last Kallot, I was one of the few Sarah's Tenters who attended. I have been the only Sarah's Tenter to attend Aleph's Ruach HaAretz. With this absence of greater retreat participation, I think it is important for us to continue to gather because we care about each other and our Sefirotic Tree of Life. We are chevre.

My gift to us this week is creating a new website with mostly our current Retreat photos, your comments, and also photo collage memories of beloved Savina, Marilyn and Toby. For all of our years together for the last two decades, I always had prints made of my photos which I joyously gave to every Sarah's Tenter who was in the photos. Now I am on-line.

I invite you to again view the Sarah's Tent web posts if you have not seen the additions. Enjoy the link to the Savina video. More links in Savina's post.  

What happened to a web site that Sarah's Tent had used around the time that Savina died? Could that link be sent out again to us?

Last December I updated our Sarah's Tent directory and continue to send updates to everyone to help make it easier for us to stay in touch with each other. I have requested that every Sarah's Tenter take responsibility to see that all names are included. It is sad when someone is left out.

Remember that you can always find out what's happening in LA's Spiritual Jewish Baby Boomer world by opening the current JOYous Chai Lights.

Love and BlesSings for chevre, memories, health, wholeness, shalom, revealed miracles, and joy,
JOY Krauthammer
"Serve G*d With Joy"

"The Divine One is The Source of Joy. To be joyous is to be connected with the Source.
One who is connected to the Source IS joyous!"   - Reb Sholom Brodt

Rabbi Judith Celebrates 20 Years & Birthday

All photos/material on this site are under copyright © Joy Krauthammer and 
may be copied only with permission from owner Joy Krauthammer, and may not be altered.

Rabbi Judith Celebrates 20 Years Serving at MJC&S & 70th Birthday Sept. 22, 2012

Sarah's Tent Shares the Simcha 

 photos & collage by © Joy Krauthammer 
Sarah's Tent celebrates Rabbi Judith under the Tallit Chuppah
 ©  Jay Scott

 ©  Jay Scott
Sarah's Tent Receives Torah Aliyah during Simcha 
 ©  Jay Scott

 ©  Jay Scott

Rabbi Judith Halevy
©  Jay Scott
Happy Birthday Rabbi Judith
love,  Joy Krauthammer

Marilyn Berger, z'l.

All photos/material on this site are under copyright © Joy Krauthammer 
and may be copied only with permission from owner Joy Krauthammer, and may not be altered.

Marilyn Berger, z'l


You are invited to view Joy Krauthammer's photo album:

photos and collages    © Joy Krauthammer 

Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Our beloved Marilyn,

Baruch Dayan HaEmet, Blessed is the True Judge
Dear Michael, sons, and Chevre,
To all of us in Sarah's Tent, and Malibu JC&S, and Lev Eisha, and Makom Ohr Shalom, and B'nai Horin... and especially to dear Mike, Mark, Matt--the 4 MBs-- our dearest one--MARILYN, now is on her way to Heaven embraced without veils by the holy Shechinah, welcoming her sweetest soul; her trials and challenges finished.
Dearest Marilyn, from the time that she entered Sarah's Tent, and with Mike, regularly hosted our chevre with most gracious hospitality, as did our biblical ancestors in their tents.  Marilyn has been a free flowing well of joy, a direct link from the Divine One to her open heart which reached her hands, her actions, her tzedakah and mitzvot / her good deeds, her mind to her Torah chanting and teaching reaching out to greater community. Marilyn lived consciously our Four Worlds to the Tree of Life. Marilyn has been a Tree of Life, nourishing us all in body and soul. Marilyn's bountiful spiritual life in our community has been compressed into her 65 years of giving CHESED / loving kindness,  just as her and Michael's e-mails attests to: CHESEDM. Marilyn has served us for years, connecting us all using that name and address.
When I think of all my calls and notes to Marilyn, and saying, "I love you," I hear back her voice,"I love you, too," which we all must know and feel so deeply in our hearts.  I loved how she knew and immediately answered her phone greeting me, "Hello, Joy".  Marilyn always stayed in touch with me in my time of need. I am so grateful for the recent invitations that Marilyn extended to me, even when she was not well, knowing that I may be alone.
Our beloved sister, Marilyn Berger, now known after death as Miriam bat Avraham, died last night, January 21, 2008 22 Shevat 5768, after her few years-long courageous battle with cancer.  With Torahs open, we prayed for her healing. Marilyn exemplified in this week's Torah Parashat Mishpatim, verse, "Na'aseh VeNishmah" / We will act and we will listen, Exodus 24:7.  Marilyn acted and was a foundation since its inception for our Sarah's Tent community. Maybe she and our beloved matriarch, Savina, z'l will open up their own Heavenly tent. Can you see the royal party that they will throw !!
Marilyn baked in abundance, honey cakes and challah for all with her holy hands and Torah wisdom directly connected to the Divine One. This week's verse, Exodus 23:9, speaks of Marilyn, "You know the feelings of a stranger..."  Strangers to Sarah's Tent who did not even know Marilyn, when greeted and welcomed in her presence were surprised to be the recipients of her gifts, grateful for the whole honey cake given, they said. Marilyn even mailed honey cakes to us to make sure we would receive her loving gifts, her blessings, perfect for beginning the new year, Rosh HaShanah.  I can taste your moist, delicious, sweet brown honey cake, dear Marilyn.  Oh, how I missed your cake this year, but we had you present with us and with Rabbi Judith on the beach at Tashlich. At the ocean shore, I see Mike's arm around you.
I can see and smell the flowers you sent to me for joyous occasions and when I was needy during caregiver years. And all your warm, caring phone calls.  I can see you giving wedding blesSings to my daughter. I can see you lighting Chanukah candles in your home with Sarah's Tent.  That is easy to see as I have so many photos of you celebrating life to the fullest, from your outer colorful garments to your inner deep creative soul. Oh, how I loved our classes together in Midrash, Sacred Stories, and Beggars, and being at our Kallah retreats. We had fun and we sang and danced. You / we all have come a long way...  And now you have a new, Lech Lecha, a new journey.
Like Reb Zuscha imagined at the Holy Gates for himself, Marilyn can't be asked, "Why weren't you like another, but as Marilyn?," because Marilyn's essence warmly poured from her directly into our hearts, just like her ingredients for her Challah and honey cake poured into their sacred wholeness, like Manna from Heaven. Marilyn gave us all a taste of heavenly sweetness. Maybe, Marilyn, you'll uncover some new flavors in Heaven, or create them, and send them all down; Maybe some new M&M colors. With gratitude I/we, part of your 'family', have received your goodness. G*d must be pleased. Is this what 'Kabbalah' is that we experienced with chevre?
Dear Marilyn, for over a dozen years, you always brought your own joyous timbrel to synagogues and Sarah's Tent events and simchas until your pain and weakness kept you away.  You have always been prepared, like biblical sister Miriam, as you are Miriam bat Tzipora, prepared with Torah and timbrel in hand to celebrate Shabbats and holy occasions with your sisters and brothers. You model for us a presence of all Hashem's Sephirot: wisdom, understanding, loving-kindness, strength, beauty, harmony, compassion, endurance, humility, splendor, connection and royalty. You showed us humor, serenity, equanimity, caring, courage and hope in all your days of joy and sorrow which we have witnessed.
May your journey to Shamayim, and your neshamah's new birthday in Heaven, be as swiftly rising and sweet as the bread that you baked, hand created, Ba'al Challah / master-mistress of challah, birthing for us all, in partnership with the Creator. I love you, Marilyn.
With hearts broken open and filled with tears, may we be blessed for the Compassionate One to enter and allow our tears of sadness to be transformed to joy, as we with love remember and cherish all that our dear Marilyn has given to us with her deep compassionate, gracious, generous and beautiful soul always filled with a shefa of loving-kindness as she clearly in Light reflected in our Tent, emulating the image of the Holy One.  The Light of the Giver of Life is the human soul." / "Ner Hashem, Nishmat Ha Adam."
May Marilyn's soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.  May Marilyn's neshamah soar and have an easy, sweet and high aliyah, like her kneaded dough, ascending and expanding to a very high place awaiting her in Shamayim / heaven and G*d's Greatness.  May bestowed merit and nachas and joy continue to surround dear Marilyn on her journey to Shamayim. May she bless us all with the Shechinah's beneficence -- Her goodness and grace.
Exulted and compassionate G*d, Marilyn has surrendered her soul to you, to your loving embrace. Grant Marilyn an infinite rest in Your sheltering Presence among the holy and the pure. May she rest in peace as sweet as her honey cakes. Amayn
May Hashem comfort us all among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Hamakom y'nachem etkhem b'tokh sh'ar avelei Tziyon v'Yerushalayim.
May Hashem give to Marilyn's family and friends the strength to endure our sorrow and loss
Death is not the end of one's existence or relationship with loved ones, but the portal to a higher, far more spiritual, eternal reality. Reb Zalman teaches us that in both directions, we can continue to send and receive love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude.
Chevre, today, 22 Shevat is the 20th yahrzeit of the righteous woman, Rebbetzin Chayah Mushka Schneerson, z'l, the wife of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe, z'l. May she guide our dearest righteous Marilyn on her journey. In Marilyn's memory, I add this link to Rebbetzin Chayah Mushka, and of women's spiritual writings, where you, too, may submit your story.
As frozen as I was last night in the saddest news, appreciation of the abundance of Marilyn's love of life has endowed me today with an abundance of words and feelings. I send my love and my deepest condolences to Mike and the boys, and to Marilyn's dear siblings.
In sympathy,

beneath Comments
for photos of our beloved chevre.

Mourning Savina, z'l.

All photos/material on this site are under copyright © Joy Krauthammer 
and may be copied only with permission from owner Joy Krauthammer, and may not be altered.

Sarah's Tent celebrates Kallah and holidays.
photos and collages   © Joy Krauthammer 

Savina sitting in lower center of group shot at Kallah.
Rabbi Judith standing in center surrounded by Chevre.
Where was this?
standing > Joy, Batya, Gerry, Miriam, Linda, Bob, R. Judith, Judith, Eli, Shayna, Alicia
sitting > Diane, Jane, Savina, Lois, and Teri?
Sarah's Tent celebrates and eats even in the elevators!
Savina, Rabbi Judith, Jane, Fay, Judith.
(and Joy shoots them doing it!)
When was this?
Savina and Aviva Krauthammer creating Chanukiah flames.
Aviva came with mom, Joy, to Chanukah, Pesach Seder at Joan's, and New Year's Eve at Bergers and more.

Our Matriarch Savina Teubal with blessings

November 20, 2005
Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Dear Chevre,

For me, mourning for our beloved Matriarch Savina J. Teubal (Sarah bat Rivkah), as she has surrendered her soul to the Divine One, will be more private in my heart and on my e-mail because I will be in Valley Presbyterian Hospital this Tuesday and Wednesday recuperating from double knee surgery.  I won't be in our spiritual community to share our love, deep grief, and support for each other in Sarah's Tent.  This is sad for me as I will be isolated from the comfort we offer each other.  Please keep me in "Her Tent" with all of us.  I grieve with all of us.

I am grateful that on Shabbat and as Savina was transitioning last night motsia Shabbat, 18 Mar Cheshvan 5766, in the holiest of time, at l'havdil (which for ten years we have celebrated in SARAH'S TENT) and being embraced by loved ones, that with kavanah, I was sharing blessings, prayers and poetry with Zena and Shira, holding Savina in our hearts.   We knew that we were entering Parshat Chayei Sarah and what was the personal meaning of this, the great significance for Savina and for all of us.  As with Matriarch Sarah in raising a son, Savina had her last breath knowing deeply that she had with holy dedication succeeded in raising a Tent of daughters and sons, in the blessings and service of Shechinah.

Savina first became my teacher when I was in awe of her in 1986 at a Jewish Spiritual Conference following her return from the Women's Conference in Nairobi. Savina spoke of how she had sat under the trees in discusssion with the women of the world.  I continued as Savina's student at the University at Judaism (UJ) when she was teaching on the Matriarchs of the Bible.  Later, In 1991 and 1992, we were both teaching with UJ's Timbrels of Miriam women's conference. I was in awe of Savina. You can see Savina's little personalized timbrel (from the Timbrels conference) in her living room, along with all the physical memorabilia of her experiences; all that represented Savina's meaningfully dedicated life and passions. Then thankfully, our Sarah's Tent was birthed and opened. 

Last night I shared with my daughter, Aviva, Savina's books, Sarah The Priestess--The First Matriarch of Genesis, and Hagar The Egyptian.  Years ago in 1990, Savina had autographed her books to us both, writing, "I see the worn out papers, a bond between women who care, for each other, for the world.  ... and may the lineage continue."  

You brought alive to me, Ur, Sumeria, Mesopotamia and Sarah.  My memories are endless of how we in Sarah's Tent, led by our founders, matriarch Savina and Rabbi Judith HaLevy, experientially studied, witnessed, shared intimately and deeply, bonded, and spiritually grew and transformed in Savina's home for the last decade of Savina's life here.  Surrounded by spirit, we read, wrote midrash, read again, sang, danced, created artfully, acted, musically perfomed and embraced each other in friendship, removing masks and revealing our souls. We came closer to Shechina. We clarified our G*d language, renewed our voices, and crossed our boundaries to come closer to truth.

We continue inspired by you, Savina, as we went and go out on our journeys, challenges and struggles, as did our Biblical Ancestors and Savina, to be blessings with greater wisdom, insight, strength, courage, compassion and hope-- to be all that we can be.  And now with so many Sarah's Tent members as advanced students in the Academy of Jewish Religion, we have endowed a Chair for Feminist Jewish Scholarship named in your honor, Savina.  It was a joy to witness you being honored at our Sarah's Tent Magical Event, as we paid formal tribute to you three months ago, with our First annual Award for Jewish Women of Achievement. As your legacy, as you wrote to us, "...and may the Shekhina enfold us forever in lovingkindness", as all generations continue on our journeys.

"Lechi Lach,... Lech Lecha...."  The words to your song, which Debbie Friedman helped write and sings, and we all sing around the world, rings meaningfully in my head.  We sang it at my daughter's Bat Mitzvah and at her Bridal Showers.  I play it on my drum and hear it wherever I am.  (See photo below.)

Savina, YOU ARE A BLESSINGas it is written on your large ribbon, created by one (Laurie Gross) of the many artists in your life whose creativity surrounded us, and hanging high in your expansive room, wide enough to hold all of us who entered The Tent.  Windows and doors always open with fresh ocean breeze, view of your fruit trees, avocados, and goddesses.  Oh Savina, I loved our Rosh Chodeshes and holidays, as well as classes.  All reasons to feast in all worlds expressing ourselves in your safe place in spirit, mind, heart and body / Atzilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah, Asiyah.   

I loved Tu B'Shvat (envisioning myself a tree, just like in your garden) and Seder, reddening the wine at your large wooden table filled with teachings, lots of papers and books created for us.   We have learned.  My fingers feel the grooves in the heavy darkly colored bare wooden door which you made into the low table where we all sit. I see the little lights glowing. I feel your poodle Sheba's poochie body (always reminding me of my own standard poodle, Pierre) brush past me as we sit and study and create.  What fun in expansive exploration and discovery I had.   

With indescribable joy and exhilaration, I read from Torah scroll for the first time in your home (with Rabbi Judith guiding me), from the Parsha that I wanted to read, and continue to read.  We shared Tashlich at the beach; I see you in your white pants with cuff rolled up as you walked barefoot into the water.  Later, I shared the photos with you. 

You supported me with your presence, as I led teachings and Rosh Chodesh rituals.  You have blessed me to go out and teach about your Simchat Chochmah ~ Joy of Wisdom ceremony for embracing 60 years of life. I do this for your legacy. The rishimu of your presence and our togetherness in Sarah's Tent, is everywhere.

I laugh with so many warm memories of visions witnessed in Sarah's Tent of our elegant and dignified majestic Matriarch Savina enjoying herself in whimsical fantasy as "conductor" and also "flamboyant colorful exotic South American bird".  We played.  My heart warms with the memories of each moment of Savina warmly, graciously and generously hosting Sarah's Tent since our beginning, in our desert, inviting us all into Her Tent for gathering, whether in her garden or living room and of course in the kitchen for feasting, all filled with light, and candles and simchas and separations.   I loved Savina with her soft accent, calling me, "Love".

May Savina's neshama soar and have an easy, sweet and high aliyah,  ascending and expanding to a very high place awaiting her in Sh'mayim /heaven and G*d's Greatness.  May her soul find complete peaceful rest.

May Hashem comfort us all among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Hamakom y'nachem etkhem b'tokh sh'ar avelei Tziyon v'Yerushalayim.

"There will be a time when all of us will return to the One Above with all our hearts and all of our tears, and then all the concealment of this world will be shattered. The wrappings will fall away and we will see how each prayer was answered in its time.  And we will hold all the blessings of all those millennia, and of all the matriarchs in our souls."

Death is not the end of one's existence or relationship with loved ones, but the portal to a higher, far more spiritual, eternal reality.

May Savina's soul's journeys be peaceful and blessed.
May Savina's soul continue to be surrounded by all that gives her joy.
It is Savina's birthday in Heaven, beshert, on Parshat Chayei Sarah. 

Our gifts to Savina now can be the mitzvot we do in her merit / zehut as we continue our journey, Lechi Lach.

In the offering below, G*d is referred to as He.  We know who is the Source of All Blessings. Brucha aht Yah. Ruach HaOlam.  I share the teaching below as it helps to soothe me in Savina's passing over, and I hope that is helps you while grieving in your heart, whether concealed privately or revealed in Sarah's Tent.

With all my love and blesSings,
Joy Krauthammer

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~
Savina Teubal, z'l
at her stone's unveiling

18 Mar Cheshvan 5766
November 20, 2005


Savina Teubal and Joy Krauthammer

View the Savina 2005 video created by Shira
 that we watched at the Reunion Retreat

Timbrels & Torahs* DVD shown at Simchat Chochmah workshops with Joy & AriellaShira
Documentary of 3 Simchat Chochmah ceremonies: Savina, Marty, and Miriam Chaya
*produced and directed by Miriam Chaya and Judith Montell

Love Sandi G's License from Torah, Lech Lecha
© Joy Krauthammer 


beneath Comments
for photos of our beloved chevre.

Remembering Savina Teubal, z"l
10th Yahrzeit Commemoration

Share stories,  music and memories
Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue
Shabbat Service
Friday, October, 23rd 2015
Dairy Potluck 6 p.m.
Service  7 p.m.

Rabbi Judith and Cantor Marcelo 
 are offering an opportunity for women and men of Sarah's Tent  
to commemorate the life of our dear sister Savina Teubal z"l.